
Welcome to The Truth Portal (TAP) Counseling

TAP counseling started with a vision to provide professional counseling from a gospel-centered perspective, to pursue the renewal of our church and community through mental health and a biblical concept of advice.

Our desire has always been to create a context in which every person desiring to be part of The Truth Portal, will find a safe and loving place to explore their story & experience with hope and healing in Christ. God has graciously allowed us to not only serve our brethren, but to also provide counseling to anyone seeking professional counsel.

Our growing staff of gifted counselors provide care, addressing a wide spectrum of issues from sexual abuse, anxiety, relationship and marital issues to adoption and family. We have the joy of serving hundreds of individuals, couples and families, as well as many who are seeking Godly advice.

Our counselors look at every aspect through the framework of the story of God as revealed in the Bible – that man is made in God’s image and therefore has profound beauty as well as deep brokenness. And, for true and lasting change to take place we must look at both soul and body.

The reality that we live in a broken and fallen world with other wounded, broken people, creates suffering and pain in our lives. Therefore, our counseling seeks to not only address the present issues and suffering common to man but explore the complex and largely hidden desires of the soul. God is in the business of restoring and renewing all things and we believe no person is beyond his redemption and grace.

Our counselors have years of experience providing professional counseling for everyone. They are well experienced in coaching you through different life challenges, from love and relationships, career, self-growth, maintaining a happy life and more. They will remain objective and non judgemental to provide the clarity and guidance you need in your counseling session.

Considering counseling as an option for help can often be overwhelming. We understand the potential anxieties of getting started in this process. We want to make that as simple as possible. Our counseling team is committed to doing their best in answering any questions you may have. We are here to serve you, and pray God will guide you in the ever-important task of finding a counselor suitable for your needs. We offer an inviting atmosphere where we hope you find the space to experience healing and hope. If you have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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