The Truth Portal


Almost the entire Old Testament was written in Hebrew during the thousand years of its composition. But a few chapters in the prophecies of Ezra and Daniel and one verse in Jeremiah were written in a language called Aramaic. This language became very popular in the ancient world and actually displaced many other languages. Aramaic even became the common language spoken in Israel in Jesus’ time, and it was likely the language He spoke day by day. Some Aramaic words were even used by the Gospel writers in the New Testament.

The New Testament, however, was written in Greek.

This seems strange, since you might think it would be either Hebrew or Aramaic. However, Greek was the language of scholarship during the years of the composition of the New Testament from 50 to 100 AD. The fact is that many Jews could not even read Hebrew anymore, and this disturbed the Jewish leaders a lot! So, around 300 BC a translation of the Old Testament from Hebrew into Greek was undertaken, and it was completed around 200 BC.

Gradually this Greek translation of the Old Testament, called the Septuagint, was widely accepted and was even used in many synagogues. It also became a wonderful missionary tool for the early Christians, for now the Greeks could read God’s Word in their own tongue.

And this was how the translation of The Truth Portal Came to an existence.

At that time, Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said; “I praise you Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes Father, for this is what you were pleased to do.” Luke 10:21

Derived from the Greek word, ‘Tis Alitheia Pylon’, The Truth Portal is an advanced modern platform designed specifically to reconnect Christians, Believers, Leaders and Teachers of the word of God to one central portal in sharing, learning and unveiling the infallible Word of God, whereas finding solutions to life’s basic problems.

Alitheia was designed with a purpose of providing a spirit filled and user friendly platform where Christians can find answers to questions they face in this modern age.

From anxiety to abortion, adultery to fornication, devotionals to inspirational, spiritual life to career and calling, wellness to wisdom, Church to family, the Truth Portal provides answers to both teens and parental problems.

The Truth Portal’s existence is being ensured by the continuous update of well scrutinized information being collated from selected spirit filled pastors, leaders and motivational speakers throughout the country. Information collected are being distributed to their various categories, embedding them into the platform’s search engine.